Seventeen Air Force career fields are "stressed," indicating they are in high demand but often undermanned, Air Force data shows.
The Air Force Specialty Stress List provides a snapshot of which critical careers are in high demand but often undermanned, said Air Force spokeswoman Capt. Brooke L. Brzozowske.
An Air Force Specialty is considered "stressed" based on a number of factors, including manning, operations tempo and how much time airmen get at home compared with to how often they are deployed, Brzozowske said in an email Tuesday to Air Force Times.
The Air Force Specialty Stress List, for July through October, includes The stress list for the 4th quarter of fiscal 2014 shows the career fields that routinely face manning challenges, such as tTactical aAir cControl pParty airmen, aAir lLiaison oOfficers, fFusion aAnalysts and cContracting oOfficers. It also includes for the first time?mh 18X pilots for remotely piloted aircraft, reflecting the Air Force's shortfall of drone pilots:
An Air Force sSpecialty is considered "stressed" based on a number of factors, including manning, operations tempo and how much time airmen get at home compared with to how often they are deployed, Capt. Brooke Brzozowske said in an email Tuesday to Air Force Times.
Updated quarterly, the list can be used to determine which careers should receive bonuses and other financial incentives, Brzozowske said
"The Stress List is not the sole determining factor of whether a career field gets a bonus, is force shaped, or special considerations for promotions, etc.," she said. "Rather, it highlights the first tier of AFSs [Air Force specialties] that need may need attention. There are AFSs that get bonuses that are not on the Stress List. It is hoped that the success of these pays is what helps keep them off the Stress List."
The Air Force's proposed fiscal 2016 budget would increase spending on special pays and other incentives to $921 million, a 12 percent increase from this fiscal year. The funding would include $650 million for special pays and $271 million for financial incentives.
Stressed eEnlisted Air Force Ccareer Ffields:
- 1A8 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst.
- 1B4 Cyber Warfare Operations.
- 1C4 Tactical Air Control Party.
- 1N4 Fusion Analyst - Digital Network Analyst.
- 1T0 Survival, Evasion, Resist & Escape.
- 1T2 Pararescue.
- 1W0 Weather.
- 2T0 Traffic Management.
Stressed oOfficer Air Force Ccareer fFields:
- 11H Rescue Pilot.
- 11R Reconnaissance /Surveillance/Electronic Warfare Pilot.
- 11S Special Operations Pilot.
- 12M Mobility Combat Systems Officer.
- 13C Special Tactics Officer.
- 13D Combat Rescue Officer.
- 13L Air Liaison Officer.
- 18X Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot.
- 64P Contracting Officer.