This story is provided and presented by our sponsor Pioneer Services, the military division of MidCountry Bank, which has provided financial services to the men and women of the Armed Forces for nearly 30 years. For more information, visit

As we celebrate Military Appreciation Month, it's important to remember just how much these families do for our nation—and not just those who wear the uniform. Things like frequent moves and deployments add stress and uncertainty to every day living. Thankfully, military families are proud, resourceful, loving, and resilient people, and they always find a way.

But, sometimes, even the toughest of families need a bit of help, too, and for those who don't live near a military installation, it can be hard to find the support and assistance needed.

So how can we help support the military families in our lives? 

  • Offer to watch the kids for couple hours. It’s a thoughtful way to provide a military spouse an opportunity to decompress with a much-needed break.
  • Assist with endeavors that their spouse would normally handle, such as scouting projects, coaching sports, or tutoring.
  • Seize the opportunity to take care of the mundane things for the spouse who is left behind during a deployment, such as mowing the lawn, removing snow from the driveway, or raking and bagging up the leaves.
  • Isolation from their loved ones during the holidays can amplify feelings of depression and anxiety. Make sure to include military families in your plans during special occasions.
  • Involve them in a fun family trip, such as an amusement park or to join your family for pizza and game night. It’s a nice gesture to provide some entertainment and excitement for everyone; who doesn’t like to attend an impromptu party?
  • Make a meal for the spouse (and their family). It’s an excellent way to show your appreciation for their sacrifices and that you care.
  • Be available to listen. This simple act can mean so much to someone who may feel overwhelmed or isolated. Many get offers at the beginning of a long deployment; be sure to follow up with them until their loved one returns home.

Military families are independent, tough and typically great neighbors to have in your community. Seek out those opportunities to show your appreciation for the sacrifices that they and their loved one in the service make for this country. To do so is not only a great way to create long lasting friendships with genuine and patriotic people, but is a way everyone can show their appreciation for those who serve our country.

©2015 Pioneer Services. No U.S. military endorsement is implied.