The Air Force has released its new enlisted performance report form for master sergeants and senior master sergeants.

Form 911, which was released on July 31, provides rates with up to eight lines of text on which a rater can to describe an airman’s performance, according to an Aug. 1 Air Force news release. The rater will be able to evaluate how good an airman is at accomplishing the mission, team building, mentorship, communication skills and other skills.

Airmen will receive one of the following performance ratings in each area, and as an overall performance assessment:

  • Exceeded most if not all expectations.
  • Exceeded some but not all expectations.
  • Met all expectations.
  • Met some but not all expectations.

"Very few Airmen will be rated as ‘exceeded most, if not all expectations,’ because that performance level is considered significantly above the norm," Will Brown, Air Force Evaluation and Recognition Programs Branch chief, said in an Aug. 1 the news release.

Conversely, not many airmen are expected to receive a rating of, "Met some but not all expectations," Brown added.

Airmen who rated as meeting all expectations or exceeding some or most expectations will also be evaluated on how well they meet the "Whole Airman Concept," said Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson.

Raters will have up to two lines of text to assess airmen based on their personal and professional development, esprit de corps, community relations, and other aspects of how they meet Air Force Core Values.

"If an airman is rated 'Met some but not all expectations,' the 'Whole Airman Concept' ratings will be greyed out and the Airman will not receive a rating in that section of the AF Form 911," Richeson said in an email to Air Force Times. "The Whole Airman Concept is non-applicable when an airman receives a referral evaluation or a rating of 'Met some but not all expectations' in Section III (Performance in Leadership/Primary Duties/Followership/and Training) of the AF Form 911."

Commanders and raters can submit additional comments, including three recommendations for an airman's future assignment, such as serving as a first sergeant or a military training instructor.

"For promotion-eligible senior NCOs, the form also includes a block for the final evaluator's promotion recommendation, including a block for use by senior raters only for senior rater endorsement and stratification," the Air Force news release says. "Stratification is restricted to the senior rater's top 10 percent of promotion-eligible master sergeants and top 20 percent of promotion-eligible senior master sergeants."

The deadline for submitting EPRs for senior master sergeants and senior master sergeant selects was July 31, but EPRs are not considered late until 60 days after the static closeout date. Master sergeant EPRs are due on Sept. 30.

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