In a wide-ranging town hall Monday, senior Air Force leaders addressed airmen’s questions about training, promotions and quality of life.

The town hall, featuring Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, Chief of Staff Dave Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force  Kaleth Wright, was part of the Air Force Association’s annual conference.

And it comes as these same leaders express concern about how high demand and a relentless operations tempo are affecting airmen and their families.

[VIDEO: Goldfein: US Air Force will sustain its bomber investment]

Here are some highlights from the conversation, which also featured the senior leaders’ spouses.

Goldfein was asked about a recent decision to give the pool of line officers being considered for promotion to major a 100 percent promotion opportunity beginning in December. 

This means that as long as a captain is qualified, is recommended for promotion by his senior rater, and has exhibited exemplary conduct, his promotion is a sure thing, Air Force officials said.

For more from the Air Force Association Conference, visit

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