The Air Force Office of Special Investigations is looking into the disappearance of DeAnna May Gordon, a 20-year-old airman assigned to Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.

Gordon was last seen on Nov. 2.

“Our agents are still actively searching for her and still have some interviews and active leads to follow up on in the next couple of days,” Linda Card, a spokeswoman for OSI told Air Force Times via email on Monday.

Because the investigation is ongoing, OSI couldn’t offer any more information to the public, Card said.

Friends and family of Gordon have been active on Facebook since her disappearance, where they have been seeking information concerning the missing airman’s whereabouts.

On Monday, Gordon’s adoptive mother, Esme Rivera, posted an update to Facebook stating that Gordon “has communicated that she is okay.”

“A friend contacted me and said that DeAnna messaged her and said she was safe,” Rivera told Air Force Times. “But we haven’t made direct contact with her, nor do we know if this was actually her. It was just kind of a vague message.”

(Courtesy of Alamogordo Police Department)

The message was sent via Twitter to Gordon’s friend, Rivera said. Rivera wanted OSI to get the IP address from where the message was sent, but because no charges have been filed Gordon, OSI and the Alamogordo Police Department can’t file a subpoena to trace the account’s login address, Rivera said.

Gordon had been in the Air Force for roughly a year, Rivera said.

Rivera was notified on Nov. 7 that Gordon was missing. She grew concerned after not hearing from her for several days, which is unlike her, Rivera said.

“I do know that she has anxiety and she was on medication for it and she didn’t take it with her. So, I’m worried about her health and her state of mind right now,” Rivera said. “If she did leave on her own accord, I’m thinking she was super overwhelmed.”

Gordon is 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs 160 pounds and has brown hair and brown eyes, according to the missing person report released by the Alamogordo Police Department.

She can also be identified by a large black tattoo in the shape of roses with birds on her left forearm, according to police.

If you have any information concerning Gordon’s whereabouts, Rivera asks that you contact the Alamogordo Police Department at (575) 439-4300, or Air Force OSI on Holloman AFB at (575) 572-5419.

Kyle Rempfer was an editor and reporter who has covered combat operations, criminal cases, foreign military assistance and training accidents. Before entering journalism, Kyle served in U.S. Air Force Special Tactics and deployed in 2014 to Paktika Province, Afghanistan, and Baghdad, Iraq.

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