The Air Force announced Thursday that it has selected 2,215 active duty Line of the Air Force officers for promotion to major.
According to statistics released by the Air Force Personnel Center, the selection rate for officers in the promotion zone was 94.8 percent, with 2,210 out of 2,332 eligible captains selected for promotion to O-4. Another five officers were selected late, or above-the-zone, out of 63 eligible.
Selectees in the 2019E LAF central selection board include 892 pilots, 145 navigators, and 68 air battle managers, as well as 415 officers in non-rated operations positions and 695 officers in mission support jobs.

AFPC said Thursday that it had told senior raters in advance who had been selected, so the commanders of selectees could give them the good news.
The Air Force last year decided to break up the Line of the Air Force category, which encompasses about 87 percent of its active duty officer corps in more than 40 Air Force specialty codes, into six development categories that group similar jobs together. The first promotion board that will use these new categories will be the lieutenant colonel board that will meet in May.
The list of selectees can be found here.
Stephen Losey is the air warfare reporter for Defense News. He previously covered leadership and personnel issues at Air Force Times, and the Pentagon, special operations and air warfare at He has traveled to the Middle East to cover U.S. Air Force operations.