Sig Sauer has smaller but also quite interesting sale headed to the Army

More than a year after signing a historic, 10-year, $580 million contract to provide all of the services their newest standard sidearm, Sig Sauer has another smaller but also quite interesting sale headed to the Army.

The Army Contracting Command issued a five-year contract to the company for a suite of weapons that includes up to:

  • 100 SRD9 pistol silencers
  • 100 MCX carbine 9-inch barrel
  • 100 MCX carbine 11.5-inch barrel
  • 500 SIG 716G2 rifles, 7.62 mm
  • 1,000 MPX submachine gun 4.5 inch barrel
  • 1,000 MPX submachine gun 8-inch barrel
  • 5,000 Sig Sauer SP2022 pistol, each with three, 15-round magazine
The Army recently purchased a suite of Sig Sauer weapons, including the SP2022 pistol pictured here for foreign military sales. (Sig Sauer)
The Army recently purchased a suite of Sig Sauer weapons, including the SIG 716G2 rifle pictured here for foreign military sales. (Sig Sauer)

When reached for comment, officials with Program Executive Office Soldier responded that the sale was part of the service’s Foreign Military Sales program and that they could not disclose further details about the destination of the firearms suite.

The Army recently purchased a suite of Sig Sauer weapons, including the SP2022 pistol pictured here for foreign military sales. (Sig Sauer)

The official response follows:

“This solicitation is for a Foreign Military Sales procurement that the Army is executing. The identity of the nation(s) and other details involved is protected under a General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA). Due to this agreement, the Army is not at liberty to divulge any other details besides what is contained in the solicitation.”

The Army recently purchased a suite of Sig Sauer weapons, including the MCX carbine pictured here for foreign military sales. (Sig Sauer)

Todd South has written about crime, courts, government and the military for multiple publications since 2004 and was named a 2014 Pulitzer finalist for a co-written project on witness intimidation. Todd is a Marine veteran of the Iraq War.

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