EDS: Use with photo of Welsh. Suggested FB words: "TRUST US: Welsh urges airmen to focus again on mission now that force management is done with."
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh on Wednesday urged airmen to put their concerns about force cuts and possible changes to health care pay and retirement programs behind them and renew their focus on the service's mission.
In his latest Airman to Airman video, Welsh said that last year's force management cuts are among were one of several things distracting airmen recently.
But he reiterated Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James' pledge to not use involuntary force-shaping measures in the next few years, and said airmen need to spend 2015 "to kind of reset our focus on the fight."
"There's been lots of disruption to the force as we went through that very, very difficult and painful time for a lot of airmen and their families," Welsh said. "What I'd like you to do is remember that we're past that now. We need to keep our Air Force exactly the size we have it right now in order to do the job that we've been asked to do. Everybody who's in the Air Force today is with us moving forward."
Welsh said it's the job of Air Force headquarters officials and other officials in Washington to provide the resources, education and training to fight and win the nation's wars.
"I ask you to trust us to get that done," Welsh said.
Welsh also noted that concerns about sequestration, and possible changes to retirement plans and medical care have also worried airmen. But he said airmen should not worry.
"Nobody's going to hurt you on the pay side of the house," Welsh said. "Nobody's going to make retirement something you won't be very satisfied with. And nobody's going to take health care away from you and your families. The Air Force isn't going to allow it, the Department of Defense is not going to allow it and Congress is not going to allow it. So let us work the details of those programs, and you focus on getting the job done."
Welsh concluded his video by reminding airmen that they represent the best Air Force in the world.
"Stay proud of who you are," Welsh said. "Stay proud of the people you stand beside, and get better at our job every single day. We'll take care of the rest. Trust me on that."
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHr6kXDgYKU]
Stephen Losey is the air warfare reporter for Defense News. He previously covered leadership and personnel issues at Air Force Times, and the Pentagon, special operations and air warfare at Military.com. He has traveled to the Middle East to cover U.S. Air Force operations.