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Mariupol steel mill battle rages as Ukraine repels attacks
Heavy fighting raged Thursday at the besieged steel plant in Mariupol, as Russian forces attempted to finish off the city’s last-ditch defenders and complete the capture of the strategically vital port.
Frontline Photos: March 13, 2022
Taking off for training, paratroopers loading up for deployment, resting in the sunshine and more in this week’s frontline photos.
Frontline Photos: Oct. 17, 2021
Black Daggers over Oahu, sailors in the spray of Bengal Bay, B-1B's bolting for the Baltic and more in this week's Frontline Photos.
Frontline Photos: Oct. 10, 2021
Marine Venom choppers in Okinawa, artillery soldiers in Syria, F-15E Strike Eagles departing for Greece and more in this week's Frontline Photos.
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