A Marine’s legacy as first Puerto Rican Medal of Honor recipientPfc. Fernando Garcia is the only Puerto Rican Marine to have received the award.By Jon Guttman5 weeks ago
Israeli soldier seen celebrating Trump win by firing grenades in GazaThe Israeli army says it will punish a soldier seen in a video firing a grenade launcher indiscriminately in Gaza to celebrate Trump’s election.3 months ago
This WWII bunker used fake air vent to return grenade to senderIt's a nasty surprise for any enemy tossing a grenade.By Sarah Sicard15 months ago
This WWII bunker used a fake air vent to return grenade to senderIt's a nasty surprise for any enemy tossing a grenade.By Sarah Sicard2 years ago
World War II grenade found at french fry factoryLuckily, it wasn't explosive.By Sarah Sicard3 years ago
Military plays ‘never have I ever’ on TwitterService members on Twitter share their military "never have I ever" experiences, or lack thereof.By Sarah Sicard4 years ago