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Iraqi and Kurdish forces exchange fire at border
Iraqi federal and Kurdish forces exchanged fire at their shared border on Friday, capping a dramatic week of maneuvers that saw the Kurds hand over territory across northern Iraq.
Iraqi court issues arrest warrant for Kurdish vice president
A Baghdad court issued an arrest warrant for the vice president of Iraq’s autonomous northern Kurdish region on Thursday for saying that Iraqi forces had “occupied” the disputed province of Kirkuk this week.
After Kirkuk, Kurdish forces pull out of more areas in Iraq
Kurdish forces pulled out of disputed areas across northern and eastern Iraq on Tuesday, a day after handing the northern city of Kirkuk over to federal forces amid a tense standoff following last month’s vote for independence.
Iraqi forces drive Kurds from disputed areas near Kirkuk
Iraqi Kurdish officials said early Monday that federal forces and state-backed militias have launched a “major, multi-pronged” attack aimed at retaking the disputed northern city of Kirkuk, causing “lots of casualties” in fighting south of the city.
Mattis urging Iraqi, Kurdish forces to avoid conflict
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Friday urged Iraqi and Kurdish peshmerga forces to focus on defeating the Islamic State group and not fight each other, as tensions spiked in the disputed region around Kirkuk.
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