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A military member’s guide to balance transfers
Almost everyone sets new resolutions on January 1, but that’s the easy part. Your resolutions might be job related, like scoring higher on your PT test. Or maybe it’s financial, like staying within budget and paying down debt. When it comes to debt, have no fear – there are great financial offers and tools available to help pay off credit card debt and get you back on track.
Unsafe intercepts involving NATO aircraft have decreased, and often are the result of a ‘hot-dogging’ pilot, top general says
“In many of the cases where they’re unsafe, when you take a look at the experience level of the operators that were involved, it typically turns into a young man or woman that was probably just hot-dogging it a little bit more than they should." - U.S. Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe and commander of U.S. European Command
Rocket blast at US Embassy in Kabul on 9/11 anniversary
A rocket exploded at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan just minutes into Wednesday, the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the United States, but officials at the compound declared all-clear about an hour later and reported no injuries.
Trump calls off secret Camp David meeting with Taliban, Afghan leaders
President Donald Trump said Saturday he canceled a secret weekend meeting at Camp David with Taliban and Afghanistan leaders after a bombing in the past week in Kabul that killed 12 people, including an American soldier, and has called off peace negotiations with the insurgent group.
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