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Marine Corps veteran allegedly kicked off flight for her T-shirt
A Bay Area veteran told local media that a Delta flight attendant kicked her off for wearing the shirt.
By Marine Corps Times staff
WATCH: Russian fighter jet flies within feet of US F-16 near Alaska
The close encounter comes after a series of Russian incursions into the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone just beyond U.S. sovereign airspace.
US special ops cuts armed overwatch buy, still needs to justify need
U.S. Special Operations Command cut down its desired purchase of the Sky Warden, but officials still need to justify the need, says a government watchdog.
By Todd South
Metal weakness may have led to fatal Osprey crash off Japan
A gear crack that led to a fatal Osprey crash last year may have been started by weak spots in a metal used to manufacture the part.
By Tara Copp and Aaron Kessler