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Air Force nominee lays out her approach to space
Air Force secretary nominee Barbara Barrett told senators the U.S. "must be prepared to defend critical space assets, increase the resilience of our space enterprise, and be prepared to fight and win should deterrence fail.”
Dunford: US faces ‘Sputnik moment’ in space race competition
The U.S. has reached a new "Sputnik moment" in which the military must act to keep the nation's competitive advantage in space against adversaries such as Russia, China, and to a lesser extent, Iran and North Korea, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday.
The US is unprepared for space cyberwarfare
China and Russia have placed a high priority on developing superiority within the electromagnetic battlespace, the author of this commentary says.
Iran acknowledges rocket explosion, says test malfunctioned
Iran acknowledged for the first time on Monday that a rocket at its Imam Khomeini Space Center exploded after satellite photos showed the blast last week, with an official saying a technical malfunction during a test caused the explosion.
Let’s get back to Venus!
A planetary geologist makes his pitch to fling a satellite back to a hellish planet, where pressure on the surface is 92 times greater than on Earth and temperatures sit at a staggering 863°F (462°C), hot enough to melt lead.
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