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Navy SEALs cut ties with museum over Colin Kaepernick video
The commander of the Navy SEALs said the unit will suspend its support of the National Navy SEAL Museum, a nonprofit organization not overseen by the military after videos surfaced online of dogs attacking a man wearing a Colin Kaepernick jersey during a demonstration.
Army reservist, Navy and Air Force vets plotted to terrorize Vegas protests, prosecutors charge
The three men arrested had military experience and ties to right win extremist groups.
Desire to join military large focus of leaked chats in infamous neo-Nazi forum
A defunct neo-Nazi online forum linked to the white nationalist extremist Atomwaffen Division had its chat logs posted online Wednesday.
Dutchmen arrested for trespassing near Area 51 with drone & camera equipment, because ... aliens
Though, the location is off, the alien-enthused festival still lives.
By J.D. Simkins
27 reports of extremist activity by US service members over the past 5 years, DoD says
Out of those 27 reports, the DoD said all but two had been formally investigated and that 18 service members were disciplined or separated from the military.
By Shawn Snow